Sunday, March 13, 2011

Food for thought


You're picky about the car you drive. You're picky about what you wear. You're picky about what you put in your mouth. We want you to be pickier about what you think.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997 is set as my homepage when connecting to the web, thanks to my dear younger sister, therefore I follow the quotes on a daily basis.  Although very simple, I've found that this quote holds true to my heart. The fact that I'm making payments on a car I picked up from a second chance dealership doesn't make me picky about my whip. The fact that I wear clothes from the Fallas doesn't make me picky about what I wear either..well maybe a little, but I'm no label whore! What I put into my mouth? That's another story...

Each day my racing mind was turned on and tuned in upon waking to a station that spits useless information. My mind usually keeps me up at night/morning as well. I can say that my mind has a mind of its own. Before this quote emerged on my Macbook screen, I was vaguely aware of my thought patterns. I never before thought to stop, think, and rewire.

For instance, I'm at home doing dishes and suddenly The Situation from that utterly atrocious show Jersey Shore creeps up into my brain, and lifts his shirt to reveal the the washboard. Now,  these are thoughts that refer back to segments, okay I admit, episodes, I turn zombie for when I'm vegging on my cal king with the boyfriend.  I feel guilty and ashamed to admit I watch it, but it is what it is. The thoughts of the Sitch leads me into thinking about the other shit characters on the show. I said CHARACTERS not people, a major difference I wish everyone can understand. Which then leads me into thoughts of the fist pump, then to a nightclub in Vegas I've yet to party at, then the cocaine, oh the cocaine..and ecstasy..the raves and the flashing lights. Oh hey, that Lupe Fiasco song... Ya catch my drift? It's insanely ridiculous. The media is poisonous to my mental well being. As much as you'd hate to think, it is to yours as well.  $.25 Cup of Noodles are to the body as negative and empty thoughts are to the mind. It's cheap, it fills you up..full of empty carbohydrates and MSG. POISON.

I tell myself that I must make the wise choice to disregard negative thought patterns because they do, in fact, lead to negative emotions, which in turn leads to negative physical ailments in the body. It's the mind-body connection, baby! I'm aware that I must start a workout regimen, again,  in combination with meditation to maintain good health. I must rewire into affirmative thinking, which will lead to affirmative action, hmm... Good thought are like fruits and veggies, vitamins and minerals!

I will be aware of my "train" of thought. 
I will mentally shut up, therefore I will prosper. 
First class Amtrak from here on out; no more "freight train" in my brain.

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