Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Taking the first step

My primary focus for the remainder of the year will be to complete a 25 page screenplay for my screenwriting class. The project will make up 90% of my grade. Coming up with the subject and theme of my screenplay is becoming a challenge for me.  Not only do I want to write about something that will capture the interests of everyone who reads it, both in and out of the class room, but I would also like to submit the screenplay in a screenwriting competition. Perhaps I'm thinking way over my head. Here I am, not having exercised my brain in about three years other than writing on this blog and counting the money I take home from the strip club, and now I'm jumping into this.  I'm actually taking a plunge.  Shortly I'll find out if the water is deep enough to catch my fall.

Having worked only four days in the past five weeks, I've drained most of my bank account and savings.  I gave Mom and Dad $1600 this afternoon so they can pick up the car from Meineke after having a used transmission installed.  I offered, they didn't ask. They could have continued to rent a car, but who knows how long it would take them to save $1700. Dad is the only one in that household working.   I did it so they wouldn't have to worry.  Mom tells me that she has an accounting of all the money I have given them since 2007.  If I were to keep my own accounting, I'd probably puke each time I balanced out the total.  Thousands upon thousands of dollars out of my own pocket I've given them, and nothing to show for it.  It's a damn shame.

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